Thanks Compound, tell me have you ever tried " free writing" which is just writing with out giving any thought ?
The Rebel.
an unwelcome dawn comes creeping upward, her tendrils straddling the dark mountain so terribly near my once sweet but now quaking refuge called home of the heart.. i peer through panes that give onto a landscape of horror that, to some, appears pristine but to me is a reminder that he has been swallowed up by a wood both black and cruel.. daring to venture forth, i hear his voice .
.. he calls out, so faintly, begging i rescue him from a jail that holds him fast against all escape; though myself a liberated man, i cannot free the one i taught the truth.
Thanks Compound, tell me have you ever tried " free writing" which is just writing with out giving any thought ?
The Rebel.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
May 6th 2015. watchtower T,V
Governing Body member Stephen Lett. " we,re losing money and need your support. and we are confident with this knowledge your appreciative hearts will move you to support the work at hand....."
The Rebel.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
Millie210 " When did the above property become J.W property?
I haven't looked on the Land registry, but definatly during the latter time frame in which " the generation that saw 1914" was not going to pass away. ( I believe 30/ 40 years ago)
But the point is it was purchased for PROPERTY investment, whilst the 3rd world congregations go with out a K.H.
The Rebel.
in egland we give " deserving" & " high flyers" titles.. this morning i was thinking i should have named my son president.
i am sure it would have given him a great advantage in latter life.. so my questions:-.
do you think when a publisher becomes a " ministerial servant" or an "elder":-.
Hoser that is true. that is why I started my O.P " in England we give "deserving" and " High flyers" titles.
Tony Blair, Ambassador for peace.
Sir Jimmy Seville ( disgusting pervert)
The list of people not deserving titles is endless and it includes sportsmen and prime ministers, even kings and queens.
But the point is I am talking about life in the K.H. A PLACE where we are taught titles mean nothing.
The Rebel.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
Gayle can you imagine the consequences if the local priest knocked on your door collecting for the poor?
If you gave him a brick ( as a witness) you would be disfellowshipped.
But the PROPERTY management company we call " Jehovers Witnesses" can buy " Churches" from the Church of England.
The hypocrocy astounds me...
Who here has like " Jesuis" and I, known people leave on death, their home to the society?
The Rebel.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
I failed to mention, basement flats, but what is a few million to a PROPERTY INVESTMENT Company?
Seriously how can this " Religion" talk about its poor brothers and sisters that have to share a Watchtoer in underdeveloped countries?
The Rebel.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
Thanks for the photo Spash.
Now from the photo we can see how high the building is next to it. ( height and extend back)
I believe we are talking 50 flats in the most EXSPENSIVE place to buy property in the world.
in the future planning promission will be given.
Were you happy giving YOUR money to this organisation FOLKS?
The Rebel.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
Splash:- " To put valuations in to perspective, individual flats in that street go for 1 million each"
Areeed, so let's turn the building and area ( we can build high, 4 maybe 6 floors?) So let's convert in to 50 flats. Hence my 50 million figure. ( I am sure the society has good architects and as a WEALTHY PROPERTY COMPANY good contacts at the council :-)
Do you not agree it's possible?
The Rebel.
in egland we give " deserving" & " high flyers" titles.. this morning i was thinking i should have named my son president.
i am sure it would have given him a great advantage in latter life.. so my questions:-.
do you think when a publisher becomes a " ministerial servant" or an "elder":-.
The only thought I now give CONVERATION is " All right for Individual Freedom" if that has nothing to do with " Religion" and we don't have to discuss " Politics" and we don't have to " agree"
The Rebel.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
agreed, and it never did make much sence that " Jesus" mixed with the drunks, the whores, and WORSE even the " CARPENTERS." Yet as J.Ws we avoided " such" people like they had the plague.
I wonder if the above groups the society imply we should avoid, had money, would the society then say we should welcome them?
The Rebel.